Top 10 fastest birds in the world

Given the diversity of species found in the sky, this top 10 reveals a non-exhaustive list of their skills. There are also different types of flight: gliding, hovering, and diving (diving to catch prey). The speeds vary according to each one. Note also that the data concerning the speed of the birds are approximate, it is difficult to measure them really.


10 – Canvasback – 72 mph

The Canvasback is a diving duck that lives in marshes and swamps throughout North America. They have a wingspan of 31 inches. In flight, they can reach a maximum speed of 72 mph. It is a migratory bird. They begin their migration at the beginning of winter, towards the Great Lakes, located between the borders of the United States and Canada. They fly in a V-shaped formation during their migration.

9 – Grey-headed Albatrosses – 75 mph

The gray headed albatross is a large seabird that breeds mainly in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. As their name implies, they have a bluish gray head and neck and a gray black tail. With a wingspan of 7 feet, the gray-headed albatross can fly at a maximum speed of 75 mph. While searching for food, they move at a normal speed of 68 mph without resting. The wind conditions of the Southern Ocean have a huge influence on the flying speed of the gray headed albatross. They take advantage of strong Antarctic storms to fly faster. In such conditions, the large wingspan of the gray headed albatross also allows it to make a well-balanced flight.

8 – Red-breasted Mergansers – 81 mph

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The hooded merganser is a large diving duck. They are found in large numbers in the freshwater lakes and rivers of North America and Europe. Adult Red-breasted Mergansers have a wingspan of 27 to 31 inches. Before winter arrives, they migrate to northern Canada and Alaska from the interior of North America. During this journey, Red-breasted Mergansers reach a maximum speed of 81 mph. The Great Lakes, marshes and wetlands of northern Canada are the main breeding sites for Red-breasted Mergansers. To attract the female, the male bird stretches his neck and makes the female purr. The female lays up to 10 eggs. The hooded merganser feeds mainly on fish, crabs and shrimp.


7 – Gambia Goose – 87 mph

The Gambia goose is a large wild bird found in the wetlands of Africa. They can be 30 to 45 in long and weigh up to 7 kg. They also have a wingspan of 4 to 6.5 feet.

6 – The frigate – 93 mph

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The frigate is a large seabird found in tropical regions around the world. They have a wingspan of 7 feet. Relative to body weight, frigates have the largest wingspan in the world. The frigate can reach a maximum speed of 93 mph. They are also known to stay on the air for a week. It is said that the frigatebird only comes ashore to rest and breed. Unlike other fast birds, frigatebirds cannot walk well on land, especially by the sea. To catch prey such as flying fish, crabs, and crustaceans, frigatebirds fly through the air and pick their prey at the right time.

5 – The Eurasian hobby – 100 mph

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The Eurasian hobby is a member of the falcon family. They are found in riverbanks and forests of Africa, Europe and Asia. The Eurasian hobby is a migratory bird. They migrate to Central Africa and South Asia to spend the winter. They can fly at a maximum speed of 100 mph. They are also known for their fast and acrobatic flight.

4 – Black Swift – 124 mph

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The black swift is a large swift that lives in the rocky hills of Siberia and Asia. At a maximum speed of 124 mph, the black swift is the fastest bird in flight. They have a powerful body and long curved wings. It helps them to reach exceptional speed in flight.

3 – Gyrfalcons – 130 mph

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Gyrfalcons are known for their high-speed diving and long pointed wings. They are considered to be the largest falcons in the world. They can be 20 to 24 inches long and weigh up to 1.3 kg. They dive abruptly to catch their prey from great heights. During a dive, a gyrfalcon can reach a maximum speed of 130 mph. Gyrfalcons also have exceptional control over their fast dive. Gyrfalcons have several phases of flight when diving. They increase or decrease speed by changing the position of their wings. Gyrfalcons have wide pointed wings. Their wingspan measures 4 feet in length from one end to the other.

2 – Golden Eagle – 200 mph

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The golden eagle is 25 to 40 inches long and weighs up to 7 kg, it is the largest bird of prey in North America.  The golden eagle also has a wingspan of 7.5 feet. They dive on their prey from the heights. During a dive, the golden eagle can reach a maximum speed of 200 mph. With its long and wide wings, the golden eagle can soar through the air for a long time. They also have very strong vision and can spot prey from very high up. Once a golden eagle has spotted its prey, the eagle dives onto the prey with amazing speed. With high diving speed and sharp claws, they easily grab the prey. The golden eagle can also fly at an altitude of 9000 to 13100 feet.


1 – Peregrine Falcon – 242 mph

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The peregrine falcon is the fastest creature in the world, reaching a speed of 242 mph. It is one of the most common raptors found on all continents except Antarctica. It has long pointed wings with powerful muscles. It gives them an exceptional flying speed. The stiff feathers on their wings also avoid the risk of drag by the wind. Peregrine falcons show a spectacular parade during the hunt. They dive on small birds from above. Normally, peregrine falcons can kill their prey in no time because of the astonishing speed of the dive. Unlike other birds, the peregrine falcon has a strong heart and very efficient lungs.

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