Digital Marketing: the 7 best free tools from Google

Google is the biggest search engine, it offers us free tools accessible from a simple connection to his personal Google account. These online tools are particularly interesting for web marketers of all stripes to allow them to optimize their presence on the results pages and significantly improve their turnover.

Here is a list of some of Google’s tools:


One of the simplest and most accessible solutions to monetize the contents of its website. If your pages generate an interesting traffic and you have not planned a precise business model, Google Adsense is clearly what you need. This advertising platform takes care of everything: the process of creating and customizing your ads is simplified and all you have to do is place the resulting code in the header, content or sidebar of your site. The amounts that you will earn thanks to Adsense depend mainly on the number of visitors and the more or less subtle placement of your ads.



Keyword Tools from Google allow you to find many opportunities directly related to your best keywords and your main theme. When you do a keyword search, Google automatically provides you with a wide range of similar words and phrases. You can also study the number of searches per month and the cost per click thanks to additional options (very useful to anticipate the impact of its SEA campaigns).


Google Adwords is an advertising agency that allows you to make paid referencing. Operating on an auction system and offering a payment at cost per click and cost per impression, Adwords allows you to fill a possible lack of traffic from natural searches. To start your sponsored links campaign, choose the right keyword, set its diffusion field and its CPC, create a striking ad and wait kindly for its validation by the Google Adwords teams!


Google Analytics is probably one of the most powerful tools in the beautiful arsenal of the search engine. This statistical tracking tool is almost mandatory if you want to get valuable feedback on the use of your website. All webmarketers should use it on a daily basis as its scope is enormous.



Search Console tools (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) have become indispensable for any self-respecting web marketer. If you already have a Google Analytics account and your site integrates the tracking code, you can easily benefit from the numerous information provided by this fabulous toolbox. The configuration of your site: this section allows you to set up various settings inherent to your domain and your pages. For example, you can define your favorite domain name (with or without the “www”) The health of your site: you can find here the results of Google crawls, possible errors, blocked urls and alerts in case of malicious code detection on your pages. The traffic of your site: this part integrates all the information on search queries, keywords used to access your site (information to be coupled with Analytics results), information on the configuration of your internal and external links as well as the results of votes +1.


Google Books allows you to discover many books of all kinds, in all possible themes. A multitude of books have had their contents digitized over the last few years and you can read an ebook online from the platform, which is available to you free of charge. But most of the e-books that you will find on the platform only offer extracts of a few pages with a nice list of sponsored links on the left bar leading you straight to product sheets of more or less specialized marketplaces and e-commerce sites.



Google Trends tool is a small gold mine to closely study a specific theme or niche. Enter your keyword and discover a nice graph representing the interest and the number of searches associated with this term since a date that you can set. In this way, you will be able to detect if a product suffers from seasonality in its sales or if its popularity declines over time. You will even be able to discover the queries associated with your key expression as well as the geographical zones concerned by the searches of the Internet users. Ideal to anticipate your advertising actions!

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