The 9 most dangerous sharks for humans

More than 400 species of sharks populate the seas and oceans, only a few are dangerous to humans. On average, only 5 people per year die from shark attacks.


9. The grey reef shark

The gray shark is 6ft long. It lives in shallow water near coral reefs.

8. The blue shark

blue shark
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It is about 13ft long. Attacks by this shark occur mostly off the coast, in deep water.

7. Tipped reef shark

Tipped reef shark is 6ft long and is present in the Mediterranean Sea. But it can also be found in Florida, USA.

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6. The hammerhead shark

Known by its flattened head, it measures between 13ft and 16ft long. Present in all tropical oceans.

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5. The bullfinch shark

Bull sharks are found in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. It is 3 ft long and lives in groups, and rarely attacks man.


4. The Mako shark

The Mako shark is about 13ft long and is night blue in color. It is found in all tropical and temperate waters of the planet. It can reach a speed of 30 mph.

3. The bulldog shark

The bulldog shark is easily distinguished from other shark species with its flattened snout, it is 10 ft long. Present in the Atlantic and in all tropical seas of the planet.

2. The Tiger Shark

The tiger shark is about 4ft long and has stripes all over its body. It is found mainly in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It can swallow anything it finds in its path.


1. The great white shark

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Considered the largest predator of the oceans, it is up to 20 ft (feet) long, has 300 teeth and is the only one that can pull its head out of the water.

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