7 of the world’s most dangerous bugs

Are you afraid of insects? There are millions of insect species in the world and they all play a fundamental role in the balance of life and nature. Many of these insects are harmless, but others are extremely dangerous and can cause slow and painful agony to their victims.


1. The tiger mosquito

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The tiger mosquito is the deadliest animal for humans. Transmitter of serious or deadly diseases such as Chikungunya or malaria, the Zika virus, yellow fever, it kills about 725,000 people every year.

2. The Reduviidae

It sucks the flesh and blood of its prey. It is also called Assassin bug. Indeed, the reductions make 10 000 deaths per year.


3. The Tsetse fly

The Tsetse or Glossine fly causes about 10,000 deaths a year because it can carry a virus that transmits African trypanosomiasis, better known as sleeping sickness.

4. The Phoneutria or Banana Spider

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Phoneutria is found in banana plantations. A single bite can kill a man. The venom releases a powerful neurotoxin that blocks the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles. The muscles stiffen and breathing becomes difficult.

5. The Black Widow

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The venom of the black widow or Latrodectus mactans is a peripheral neurotoxicant. It causes the release of catecholamines and acetylcholine. This spider, which measures 1 to 1.5 cm, can be recognized by the red spot on its back.

After the bite, there is pain at the injection site, muscular and dorso-lumbar contractures, abdominal pain and headaches.

6. The Atrax

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This urban spider can reach up to 7 cm long and its venom is very toxic. Its chelicerae can cross a shoe or jeans. Its bite causes severe pain and its neurotoxic venom disrupts the functioning of the nervous system.


7. The Paraponera

The Paraponera is an ant that lives in tropical forests. It is also called rifle bullet ant because of its sting, whose pain is comparable to that caused by a shotgun blast. The pain can be felt up to 24 hours after the

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