10 of the most intelligent dog breeds

In addition to being formidable companions, dogs are also animals capable of learning complex commands and adapting to complicated situations, demonstrating a developed form of intelligence.


10. Australian Shepherd Dog

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Originally used for herding, the Australian Shepherd Dog is a cross between the dingo (a wild dog breed) and English Shepherd Dogs (especially the collie).

9. Rottweiller

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His aggressiveness comes from a bad education, if we train him well when he is young, he is very loyal.

8. Butterfly Spaniel

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This small dog has an outstanding learning ability and adapts easily to any situation. It is often used as a therapy dog and as a pet for the elderly.

7. Labrador retriever

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A favorite companion of the Presidents of the Republic and an ideal guide dog for the blind, the Labrador is appreciated for its vitality, kindness and loyalty. It’s very good sense of smell and intelligence also make it a dog appreciated by police and rescue services.

6. Shetland Sheepdog

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Initially used as a herding dog, the Shetland Sheepdog is obedient and easy to train. Highly prized in dog sports such as agility contests, he is well adapted to family life.


5. Doberman

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The Doberman is a very gentle dog despite its impressive appearance and reputation as a ferocious dog. However, he must be trained firmly from a very young age.

4. Golden retriever

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Known for its search and rescue and guide dog skills, the golden retriever loves long walks. It has a strong ability to mobilize its attention and has a good memory.

3. German Shepherd

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The German Shepherd is versatile and learns quickly. Also used as a watchdog or assistance dog, he applies to the letter the instructions he is taught.

2. Poodle

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The poodle easily learns complex tricks and can understand hundreds of words. Very adapted to a family life, the poodle should not be left alone for too long or else it will become depressed.

1. Border collie

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Chaser, an American border collie bitch who died in 2019, was recognized as the world’s most intelligent dog, able to identify 1,022 toys by name and find them by name and category, and even understand sentences. Originally a herding dog, the border collie is very receptive to education and affectionate. However, it requires great availability and needs constant physical and intellectual stimulation.


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